Nr/ Box |
Pferd (Formen) |
Gewicht |
Fahrer Trainer |
Sieg Trend |
1 1 |
Besitzer: Javier G. Lopez Abstammung: v. Unique Debonair a.d. Janies Cashin In Geboren: 2017 Züchter: Javier Lopez Geschlecht: Stute Großvater: Dashin Is Easy
Rjl Cashing In (5-1-4-9-4)
58.1 kg |
Elias Gutierrez
Monica Ortega |
1 1 |
Besitzer: Jose Juan Martinez-Lopez Abstammung: v. Docs Best Card a.d. Super Cooper Farbe: brown Geboren: 2020 Züchter: Jaime H Gomez Geschlecht: Stute Großvater: Jumpn
Hc La Negrita (2-2-2-8-4)
58.1 kg |
Elias Gutierrez
Havid Canez |
1 1 |
Besitzer: Mark of Valor Farms Abstammung: v. Atta Boy Roy a.d. Smokin' Grey Farbe: bay Geboren: 2021 Züchter: Leslie Cummings Geschlecht: Hengst Großvater: Smoke Glacken
Capala (7-2-7-7)
54.9 kg |
Guillermo Rodriguez
Valorie Lund |
| 2 | |
2 2 |
Besitzer: Armando Garcia Abstammung: v. Gold Rrrush a.d. Sunrise in the Bar Farbe: bay Geboren: 2021 Züchter: Armando Garcia Geschlecht: Stute Großvater: Rocky Bar
Corona Perrys Bar (2-5-6-2-2)
56.7 kg |
Mark A. Jasso
Rigoberto Guillen |
2 2 |
Besitzer: Ramses Verdugo Abstammung: v. Tf Im That Guy a.d. Dash for Ted Geboren: 2019 Züchter: Juan Jose Contreras Geschlecht: Stute Großvater: Make It Anywhere
Im a Daybreak Dash (2-4-3-7-3)
58.1 kg |
Antonio Bazan
Omar Cruz |
2 2 |
Besitzer: Randall, Chris, Hughes, Gary C. and Lucarelli, Fra Abstammung: v. Goldencents a.d. Paden Affair Farbe: bay Geboren: 2021 Züchter: Sandra Sexton & Silver Fern Farm Geschlecht: Hengst Großvater: Rockport Harbor
Golden Affair (6-5)
54.9 kg |
Kevin Radke
Frank Lucarelli |
3 | 3 | 4 |
3 3 |
Besitzer: Maclovio Regalado Abstammung: v. The Bounty Man a.d. Stoletta Geboren: 2019 Züchter: MacLovio Regalado Geschlecht: dog Großvater: Stoli
First Bounty Boy (5-1)
58.1 kg |
Cerapio Figueroa
Jorge Duarte-Noriega |
3 3 |
Besitzer: Arturo Grijalva Abstammung: v. Blues Man too You a.d. Mias a Saint Farbe: chestnut Geboren: 2020 Züchter: Alfonso Posada Geschlecht: Stute Großvater: Strawfly Tango
Corona a Saint (8-6-7-1-7)
58.1 kg |
Joseph Belloc, Jr.
Armando Ramos |
3 3 |
Besitzer: Wayne Williams Abstammung: v. Tale of Verve a.d. Yes She's a Lady Geboren: 2021 Züchter: Charles Fipke Geschlecht: Hengst Großvater: Yes It's True
A Lot of Verve
54.9 kg |
Cerapio Figueroa
Joe Toye |
4 | | 3 |
4 4 |
Besitzer: Jorge Soto Abstammung: v. Fishers Flash a.d. Signed Agouti Farbe: bay Geboren: 2020 Züchter: Jorge Soto Geschlecht: Stute Großvater: Agouti
Agouti Flash (4-3-1-5-4)
58.1 kg |
Antonio Bazan
Omar Cruz |
4 4 |
Besitzer: Valeria Ortiz Abstammung: v. Jet Black Patriot a.d. Tf Dashin Ms Perry Geboren: 2020 Züchter: Jude or Regina Robicheaux Geschlecht: Stute Großvater: Sir Runaway Dash
Racin On Love (6-4-5-6-6)
58.1 kg |
Jose Arriola-Serrano
Angeladrian Dominguez |
4 4 |
Besitzer: Oliver, Doug, Marshall, Dave M. and Williams, Leon Abstammung: v. Frosted a.d. Sweet Treat Farbe: bay Geboren: 2021 Züchter: Milt Policzer Geschlecht: Wallach Großvater: Candy Ride (ARG)
Freeze 'Em (2-6)
54.9 kg |
Glenn W. Corbett
Esteban Martinez |
2 | | 1 |
5 5 |
Besitzer: Cesar O. Moreno Abstammung: v. Docs Best Card a.d. Beautiful Return Farbe: brown Geboren: 2021 Züchter: Cesar Octavio Moreno Geschlecht: Stute Großvater: High Rate of Return
Bestprincessreturns (2-4-2-1-5)
56.7 kg |
Kevin Carbajal
Omar Cruz |
5 5 |
Besitzer: Angel Ornelas-Dominguez Abstammung: v. Kiddy Up a.d. Nancys Gotta Secret Farbe: bay Geboren: 2014 Züchter: Jimmie G Easter Geschlecht: Wallach Großvater: Raise a Secret
Kellies Winner (7-5-9-4-5)
58.1 kg |
Aaron Belloc
Angel Hernandez Dominguez |
5 5 |
Besitzer: Mark of Valor Farms Abstammung: v. Atta Boy Roy a.d. Private Fortune Farbe: bay Geboren: 2021 Züchter: Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Pabst Geschlecht: Hengst Großvater: Private Gold
David's Faith (11-4-2-6)
54.9 kg |
Karlo Lopez
Valorie Lund |
1 | 4 | |
6 6 |
Besitzer: Cecilia B. Perez Abstammung: v. Coronas Leaving You a.d. Petrichor Farbe: bay Geboren: 2020 Züchter: Dexter L Bourque Geschlecht: Hengst Großvater: Tres Seis
Ima Corona Fan (2-1-2-6-7)
58.1 kg |
Kevin Carbajal
Angeladrian Dominguez |
6 6 |
Besitzer: Tobin Stables, LLC Abstammung: v. Oscar Performance a.d. Fastbridled Farbe: bay Geboren: 2021 Züchter: Jamm, Ltd. Geschlecht: Hengst Großvater: Unbridled's Song
Hold Your Applause (6-8-6-8-5)
54.9 kg |
Alex M. Cruz
Joe Toye |
| | 2 |
7 7 |
Besitzer: Ariana A. Garcia Abstammung: v. Ivory James a.d. Zefee Farbe: grey Geboren: 2019 Züchter: Spackman Racing Geschlecht: Wallach Großvater: Separatist
Mr Zee (5-4-1-1-1)
58.1 kg |
Mark A. Jasso
Roy V. Ronquillo |
7 7 |
Besitzer: Anna S. Denny Abstammung: v. Warrior's Reward a.d. Call Me Swift Geboren: 2021 Züchter: Michelle Lupin & Jonathan De Freitas Geschlecht: Wallach Großvater: Bernardini
Reckless Warrior
54.9 kg |
Kiaman McGregor
Travis Denny |
| 1 | |
The vote goes to BESTPRINCESSRETURNS, who has proven capable of posting higher speed figures than each of these and might not even have to be at her best to strike. Corona Perrys Bar and First Bounty Boy complete the shortlist.
Einschätzung: 5,2,3,4
A narrow third on her latest outing, IM A DAYBREAK DASH would not need much more to regain the winning sequence. She shades preference over Mr Zee, who arrives in search of a four-timer. Hc La Negrita is also noted.
Einschätzung: 7,2,1,5
FREEZE 'EM struggled at stakes level last time but a return to the form of his debut effort, when narrowly denied, would be enough to land a weak affair. David's Faith is feared most, although A Lot Of Verve is worth a market check ahead of his racecourse bow.
Einschätzung: 4,3,5,2
COASTLINE HOTTIE has accounted for a few of these in recent encounters and is a strong fancy to cement her authority. The hat-trick chasing Ruby Ray is an obvious threat, while Big Beauty could capitalise if her two main rivals manage to spoil their chances by getting in each other's way.
Einschätzung: 5,7,4,1
The betting will be revealing where the class-dropping Delusively is concerned but it is hard to escape the claims held by the hat-trick seeking DIRT FLIRT, who can make this a searching test. Single Lady appeals as the best of the rest.
Einschätzung: 4,2,1,3
MUSICAL DIVA can put her previous experience to good use and gain a deserved first career success. Ez All The Way and My Bella For Lisa are both entitled to be wiser now they have the benefit of a previous run and are a couple of others to note in the betting.
Einschätzung: 6,4,5,1
BRANNIGAN (second) finished ahead of Elusive Love (third) when the pair met over C&D recently, and he can confirm his superiority en route to victory this time around. Tiger By His Tail is respected most out of the remainder.
Einschätzung: 5,9,3,11
It is hard to look past dominant last-time-out winner LAUNCHED, who can go in again with a repeat of that effort. Horse Doctor and Push Through are also respected.
Einschätzung: 7,2,3,10
LIMITED HEATWAVE and Luka Grazie bring the strongest form to the table, with the former's latest second rating a touch stronger. J C's A Legend may chase the duo home.
Einschätzung: 9,7,2,3